Saturday 11 April 2015

Final Photos | Layout of outfit and accessories

These are the final edited photos from the photo shoot 'Layout of outfit and accessories'. I am really happy with the outcome and think they are very successful photos. I feel like this photo shoot can help me with my research going further in my project by now looking into advertisements and promotion of products as I feel these photos really share an aspect of advertisement in them and could definitely be used to promote a product. Therefore I would like to develop this project and these final photos by making them more commercially based by working back into them and editing them in a more professional way rather than using basic Photoshop skills and knowledge however I felt that was a successful move to start with as I wanted the final photos to be a starting point for the next stage of my project as well as a starting point for the experimental process.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post! Incredible pictures honestly, i love the necklace!! xx

