Friday 24 April 2015

Making alterations and experimenting with composition

Experimentation and development

Something that was picked up as an interesting feature by my peers in the feedback group was how I had thought about composition very intently with each shot.

As part of the experimentation process of my FMP I wanted to see how I could both physically and digitally alter my photos to make some more successful outcomes. I started to experiment with my physical printed photos by cutting them up and looking at the images through a viewfinder. I did this to see what difference it would make to the overall photos whether the outcome would be better or worse.

I wanted to experiment with different shapes as I thought that would be interesting. I began by taking a rectangle shape and adjusting it to each photograph as I found some had much more content to crop rather than others. I then decided to try a whole new perspective and use a triangle viewfinder and the typical shape of photos are usually rectangle or square and never usually triangle. I found that it definitely gave everything a new perspective and changed the photography greatly. These photos are now displayed in my sketchbook.

I then decided to make digital versions of what I had physically created however this would be slightly different in Photoshop as I wouldn't be using a viewfinder to decide what I wanted to be in shot, I would be using the cropping tool instead. I was interested in exploring different shapes so I chose to crop my photos into an equal square shape to begin with. I found that these photos were very interesting and what I feel is the most successful part of the experimenting with composition process. I also then decided to make digital triangles as well however this was a little more difficult as I wasn't able to use the cropping tool. I chose to cut around a triangle shape instead however this worked very well none the less. I was very happy with all of the outcomes from the experimental process however I feel that the digital square photos were very interesting and were the most successful.

Here is a contact sheet of my square images which I digitally cropped using Photoshop.

Here is a contact sheet of my digitally cropped triangles using Photoshop.

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